Saturday, January 20, 2007

I didn't actually eat chocolate cake on my birthday. Ryan had bought me one, but I was too full from my petite filet AND lobster tail :) It was the most expensive and one of the more delicious meals I've ever had. Yay for, "order whatever you want."

Today we went to our first open house. The property was not far from our apartment and the house was on the small side, so I'd hoped that it was near our price range. Unfortunately, despite it needing much remodeling, it was $50K above what we are hoping to pay. We're just casually looking around nowadays, but will probably get more serious about shopping in March or so. If the stand-alone houses are all priced on the scale of what we saw today, that probably means we'll be going with a townhouse or condo.

We also stopped by Petsmart to see the kitties up for adoption. They're soooooo cute! The two best things about owning a house will be having a dishwasher and having no limit on the number of kitties we have, other than common sense, which tells me that the limit is somewhere in the double digits.

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