Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Blogging from another new state- ME! Get it? Me, Cat, I'm blogging from Maine. ME.

I survived all my driving and now I'm waiting in line for the ferry. I was here in time for the last ferry, but there wasn't enough space for all the cars. With all this time to kill, and the universe being against me and all, I was shocked and amazed that there is free (ie, unsecured) internet from my spot in line. It's surprising considering that this is the middle of nowhere and all.

I left home yesterday at 12:30, after getting watery-eyed when saying goodbye to the kitties...they just looked so sad to see me go! The drive yesterday was surprisingly fast through Jersey (no traffic on the turnpike?!?), then slower through NYC and Conn. I hit the rainstorm halfway through Conn, which slowed me down quite a bit. I got to Liz's around 6:30, and we got Chinese delivered with Kathy, who was also there. Then we pretty much watched the Food Network until it was time for bed.

This morning I had leftovers for breakfast and hit the highway (after driving around circles in Somerville) at 8:30. Arrived at the ferry dock at 1:45. It's a long drive, but splitting it over two days made it not that bad. I don't have to make the entire drive again until the end of the summer- I'm flying back for my break in a couple weeks.

Ryan says the house is empty without me. I think that means he should adopt more kitties to fill it up until I come back, but once I'm back we'd keep those kitties too. :P

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