Friday, June 22, 2007

I am a bad kitten mommy. Kitten mommies are supposed to love all their kittens equally and not play favorites, but I have a favorite: Jibblies. He's been very affectionate since I've been back, and it seems like he really missed me. And his eyes are so expressive- I can tell what kind of mood he's in and when he needs hugs and pets (to be petted). The little ones are too busy wrestling to show much love. Choco "kneads" me to show affection sometimes, but it seems insincere since it's all or none with the love. Jibblies, on the other hand, is about the little gestures sprinkled in between the cuddle-fests. Perhaps as the little ones get older and mellow out a little, plus have the added advantage of spending more time with me (the mere exposure effect) then my love for the three will be more equal.

Choco hit a big growth spurt while I was gone. His body is somewhat bigger, but his legs are a lot longer so he looks a bit lanky. Grem looks quite a bit smaller at a glance, although she's still growing at a steady, healthy rate.

Big fun planned for the weekend. Tonight we're building a cat condo out of wood and carpet scraps, tomorrow we're inner tubing down the Delaware River, and Sunday we're going to Scott and Julie's wedding. I am excited to see what the wedding is like, especially, since it's the first one I've attended while having wedding-on-the-brain syndrome.

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