Saturday, July 21, 2007

I bet lots of people are busy reading their HP books today. Me and Ryan? We're going to a cake tasting with a potential wedding cake baker. It is somewhat on the early side, but I have priorities! Mmmmm....cake! It's going to be tasty, awesome, and a little whimsical, but beyond that, no spoilers. Speaking of spoilers, despite never getting into the HP craze, I am a little curious if he gets killed off. Let me know in the comments. I can't trust one Google-searched spoiler source over another.

Beyond cake, not much in the way of weekend plans. Perhaps some home improvements.


Jen said...

Hmm...if someone leaks any HP spoliers here, please mark them somehow so I can quickly run away! I'm not getting the book until I go home next weekend. Got a test to study for, and HP would destroy that.

Anonymous said...

I like Cake! :)

Sorry, couldn't resist.

engineerdan said...

I can spoil you. Harry does not die, but does do a bit of a Neo-esque almost-death-and-resurrection. However, most of the book is a delightful bloodbath.