Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rest assured, I check ICHC at least 5 times a day. I need to take more pictures of the kitties in hopes of one day getting them on there and scoring 5 burgers. And I totally am Sad Cookie Cat. I have no willpower when it comes to resisting baked goods, but then I feel totally guilty afterwards. In fact, last fall I bought cookies to bring to my seminar class, but then I ate half the package that morning, so I had to run to the convenience store at lunchtime to buy some Oreos to replace them.

Not only did we meet with the baker on Saturday, but Ryan registered for an August SCUBA class and bought his basic equipment. We decided on cake flavors (our cake: it has a flavors) and basic design, but I'm leaving decisions on the particular decorations until closer to the date, when the other decorative decisions have been made. I hope Ryan enjoys SCUBA. We're thinking Cozumel (best diving in the Caribbean) and Cancun for the honeymoon. I have no idea where the honeymoon money is coming from.

Speaking of money, I'm trying to revive a few of my old cheapskate habits to save up some extra wedding money. Cutting back on snacks, cost effective meals, cheap entertainment, etc. Then Ryan goes and exceeds the food budget by surprising me with a heart-shaped ultimate chocolate cake from the Wegmans by his work. It's hard to get mad at him, though, when there's a cake like that in the fridge. I miss Wegmans so much. The selection! The everyday low prices! The Wokery! Sigh. We tried Genuardi's over the weekend. It seems to be the best of the rest. It's actually the east coast version of Safeway (not that anyone other than Tessa probably knows what Safeway is). I figure that the Safeway execs were probably in a board meeting, trying to decide what to call their new chain on the east coast, then one of them said, "There's a lot of Italians over there. Let's name it something that sounds Italian!" Anyway, the selection was mediocre and the prices weren't as good as Wegmans, but it will have to do, unless Ryan starts shopping immediately after work. I wouldn't be there to enjoy it, though.

One of our hydrangeas is flowering. I should take a picture.

Ryan and I are headed to Maine this weekend. He's staying for a week. We're going to go hiking, mushroom hunting, biking, beachcombing, and sampling. For me it's a working vacation. For us it's a low cost vacation so we can honeymoon next year.


Lizzardie said...

You might be interested in this for help with your food budget (if you haven't seen it already, it's from last week, though I just discovered it today):

There's gotta be something for everyone in there! :-)

Cat said...

Mmmm...#12: Boil a lobster. Hope to be doing that in Maine next week! Not too budget-friendly, but cheaper up there than Jersey.

engineerdan said...

Genuardi's is not the east coast version of Safeway. Genuardi's was locally owned by the Genuardi family up until around 2000, when it was bought by Safeway.

But I definitely agree they're the best non-Weg's grocery store in the area. It's where I do all my shopping, because the closest Weg's to me is 20 minutes out of the way and Genuardi's is essentialy halfway home from my 10-minute commute to work.

Anonymous said...

I miss the ocean and its delicious inhabitants...

Jen said...

Oh hai! I upgraded ur commentz.

I'm in ur kitchen eaten ur mushroomz.
