Thursday, August 09, 2007

Oof. Well, the grant proposal is 100% finished. My advisor thinks I have enough data from the summer to get a publication out of it. I said I'm taking a couple days off first. But yeah, what else would I do to keep busy before classes start? Snuggling kittens 24/7 might get a little boring.

Speaking of kittens, they're going in for their "snip-snips" next Wednesday. I hope they don't start hating us afterwards.

I'm picking up on the wedding planning. Next up is finding a photographer. I can't believe how many have "packages starting at $3500" and up. I've seen as high as a $45oo minimum. I realize they put in a lot of time after the event and have expensive equipment, but really, are they making $150K/year? I've found a couple promising websites in a somewhat less stratospheric price range, but have to see if they're available on our date.


Julie said...

This was the hardest part for me. It took forever to find a reasonable photographer!

Jen said...

Yeah, professional photography is incredibly expensive. If I were you, I'd just have a few trustworthy friends bring their digital cameras and take pics every step of the way. Then you can print them out at Costco or something and save a ton. I'm pretty sure that's what I'll be the tip from a fellow po' med student who married another po' med student this year.