Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Who wants a $20 T-a-r-g-e-t gift card for pretending to be pregnant? Yup, this is the deal that I did a couple months ago. I got another voucher thingy, but can't do it again myself. It only takes about 30 minutes (you have to go around with the scanner gun and zap the items you want to add), and they give you the gift card on the spot. First commenter who asks gets it!

I have the teaching job. Well, they never really "offered" it to me; I went back yesterday to turn in most of the rest of my forms, and the guy just said, "Okay, just make sure to get fingerprinted and bring this form back. The next training session is March 17 from 9-4, right here." So I don't even know how much I'll be getting paid (though I've heard rumblings of about $80 a day). It will be a wonderful thing to have an income again- my savings account has been going down, down, down. You would think Ryan's salary would be enough, but we've got a 15 year mortgage and a 3 year car loan (and $300 gas bills during the winter!!), so we're somewhat overextended. The reduced grocery budget is going along swimmingly, though.

We have our DJ booked and have a tasting scheduled with the aquarium caterer on Friday. Next up is addressing the invitations (going out at the end of this month) and beginning to write the ceremony. Oh, and all the little home improvements before everyone visits.

We were thinking about a co-ed party at our house on the night before the wedding (Friday) instead of bachelor and bachelorette parties. Cornell people visiting from out of town probably want to hang out together, and I don't think the separate parties would be wild and crazy to begin with. Plus, as an added challenge, we can do the CVS egg hunt in the backyard while it's dark (with flashlights) :D


Jen said...

I like the idea of one big party, except aren't you going to have an afterparty too? In that case, I'd keep the separate bachelor/bachelorette parties just to mix things up.

Cat said...

We decided to nix the "advertised" afterparty because there's a good chance we'll be exhausted from all the wedding-day stress/excitement. Depending on how we're feeling that night, we might spread word of an informal afterparty, but don't want to be obligated to have it.