Wednesday, May 14, 2008

There's no such thing as a typical day of subbing. Monday I signed up for a full day at a middle school. At lunchtime they sent me home because they actually only needed a half day and had entered the job wrong in the Subfinder system. I confirmed my suspicion that middle-schoolers are a pain in the ass, so I will really try to pick high school jobs when I can.

Tuesday I drove 25 minutes to a relatively distant high school to find that most of their building lost power due to some downed trees, so I was sent home. The real teachers told me, "Make sure you sign in so you get paid!" So I signed in, of course, but on my way out the principal said, "I'm really sorry about this." I don't think he'd feel sorry for me if I got paid a full day's work for showing up and heading right back home, so the jury's out on whether or not I'll get paid.

Today was actually as normal as it gets. I returned to "actually not Dan's high school, but the new school that replaced his the year after he graduated." It was nice to not have to learn an entirely new school's layout/bell schedule/policies/general vibe. I did a whole day of physical science, which was all about the periodic table. Yay! Like, did you know that helium has two protons, two electrons, and two neutrons? Like, whoa. One guy seemed impressed with my knowledge: "Did you just learn all this stuff before we came in?"

Another guy: "How old are you?"
Me: "Take a guess."
Guy: "Twenty."
Me: "Older."
Girl: "Stop hitting on the teacher."
Guy: "Twenty-two."
Me: "Twenty-six."
Guy: "DAMN. That's crazy."

I gather that I look young for my age, at least when I have makeup on and my hair done (so I don't look too haggard). When I worked at the Lobster, the other servers usually guessed my age as 19 or 20, although I was only 23 to 24 at the time. No big advantage right now, but hopefully the trend continues as I get "really" old.

I haven't got back on my diet yet and pretty much have no motivation to do so. I know I should so that I won't feel squeezed all night, but willpower isn't something I can conjure up without this intangible spark. I'm at least planning/hoping to really watch what I eat the week before so I at least won't have excess water weight.

My peas have flowers and my strawberries have little green berries. You could conceivably eat fresh-off-the-vine strawberries when you visit the house for the weekend of the wedding. Except that I'll be checking on them three times a day and will probably eat them a couple days before they're fully ripe because I'll be so impatient and eager.

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