Thursday, October 02, 2008

I CANNOT wait for the VP debate tonight! Biden is going to PWN Palin. It's going to be pure comedy gold for The Daily Show and Colbert Report.

Kitties are still cute. School is still okay, I still only have a couple hours a day where my brain is firing on all cylinders, though. Slickdealing has slowed down somewhat now that I'm more busy, but I'm still getting deals here and there. I expect the grocery budget to be more in the $200-$250 range instead of $150ish, though, especially with the dearth of home-grown vegetables *tear*.

Going to Ithaca this weekend for Jamie's wedding! We're staying at my mother-in-law's (ack! (<--staying there won't be that bad, I'm more referring to the fact that I have a MIL)).


Jen said...

See you at the wedding!

Anonymous said...

Does that make you old?? ;-))