Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yowza. Turns out that Stormy, our $30 adoption cat, is more expensive than the big screen TV (well, she wouldn't have been if I hadn't found that 10% coupon for the TV...). I mentioned how she needed her teeth cleaned, right? Yesterday she went in for that. They found 3 teeth that were fractured from extensive decay and had to be extracted. The really expensive part was suturing the gums over the holes (or else there is a high rate of infection from food getting down there). Total: $980! I should have had Jen suture in exchange for free shampoo from my stockpile!

Speak of the devil, she just jumped on my lap (Stormy, not Jen). Maybe she will be more friendly now that her toothaches are gone. Her breath has definitely improved! In an epic step, she ate wet food off the same plate at the same time as Choco! She was very hungry after not eating the night before and the day of surgery, but still- their heads were less than four inches apart. She definitely tolerates Choco the best of all the kitties. It was too brief to get any pictures, but here are a couple others:

So, new president. Woot! I watched in inauguration at school with a crowd of professors and grad students. The group cheered during the part of Obama's speech about putting science back in its proper place :) I thought the shout-out to "non-believers" was cool too. No one ever mentions us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no kidding - I was like, this is nothing short of a miracle!!!