Monday, March 23, 2009

These are my favorite:

So, I've been offered a fellowship for free summer housing at a field station in Maine. It would be a really nice place to stay. However, I also have an application out for a different field station, and that one would include extra $$$ for travel and supplies, so I have to wait and see.

Apparently my garden soil sucks and it's a wonder that I got anything to grow at all last year. I bought a little soil test kit:
The pH is about 8 (see dark green liquid in tube), whereas most vegetables prefer 5.5 - 7. The phosphorous and potassium were okay, but the nitrogen was very low. I added specific fertilizer and a soil acidifer to try to rectify these problems. We'll see how it turns out. On the plus side, the soil texture looks better than last year, probably as a result of adding compost and letting the earthworms do their thing.

Notes to my future self:
Carrots planted 3/18. Big Top in back, Red-Cored Chanteray in front.
Peas planted 3/19 after soaking overnight. From L to R: shelled, snap, snow.

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