Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Whew! What a crazy last few days. We finally got internet up and running this morning, so now you get to hear about it. As always, you know the drill: pictures on Flickr.

Thursday and Friday morning was a flurry of packing and cleaning. We got a mushroom UHaul :P Ryan's old property manager was impressed with how clean the place was- I guess most people are lazy and forefeit their security deposits because they don't want to clean thoroughly. We drove south and stopped at Ryan's mom's to pick up a couch and end tables, and also introduced Jibblies to Ryan's childhood cat, Mozart. Mozart hissed like the grouchy old bastard that he is, but Jibblies just backed away slowly and didn't freak out or run away.

Then we continued our drive to Po-Town. Jibblies had been going crazy for the first half hour of driving, but mellowed out after a while and actually spent most of the trip curled up on my lap. It was very cute, but also a bit uncomfortable because I couldn't fidget normally. After getting to Ryan's dad's house, we loaded up a dresser and bookcase, then went out to dinner. Then we introduced Jibblies to the poodle, Crystal. Crystal wanted to play, but Jibblies wasn't interested. He backed away slowly, just like with Mozart. I was impressed with how maturely Jibblies handled the unfamiliar creatures he encountered during his voyage.

In the morning we took off heading south. There was a lapse in communication between Ryan and his dad such that they doctored together two sets of Mapquest directions and the end result was nonsensical. Well, they got us there, but required us driving through the Bronx and over the George Washington Bridge (hello, traffic), when the smart thing to do would've been to drive straight down through New Jersey. Anyway, the 3.5 hour trip took more like 5 hours.

When we got the new apartment, the property manager realized that our apartment hadn't been fully cleaned yet. She recruited her friend to help while we went out for pizza. It still wasn't great when we got back, but we were eager to just get the move over with. It was miserable with the high humidity and lugging everything up a flight of stairs. Moving the stuff probably took 3-4 hours, then we returned the UHaul and went out for dinner before Ryan's mom and stepmom left. We were exhausted, so assembled the couches, bed, and went to sleep.

Sunday we unpacked, cleaned, and went out shopping for essentials. The Wegmans down here is off the hook! It was twice as crowded as the Ithaca store, but had even more amenitites. I had lunch from the Wokery, as usual, but there were three times as many dishes. Yay!

Monday Ryan started work while I finished (well, almost finished) unpacking and cleaning. We went for a walk in the riverfront park that's right near the apartment complex in the evening. And today I'm catching up on my internet business and may go get a haircut later. I'm starting to finally feel settled in, but orientation starts tomorrow! Eeek!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Good luck with your orientation and the beginning of grad school! Now you can make fun of those puny little undergrads like I do. Or...um...I guess you have to, like, teach them or something. :-p

I miss the Weg!