Sunday, February 25, 2007

Today, among other things, we went to a bridal show in center city. I couldn't believe how low-budget and totally not classy it was. I was really expecting something bigger and useful, but the main objective was for all the vendors to solicit our address. I felt bad for dragging Ryan there, so we only stayed for maybe half an hour. The experience strengthened my resolve to have as non-traditional wedding as Ryan thinks his family will not be shocked by. Mark my words: I will not dance the electric slide in a poufy dress!

We also went to another open house today, and by complete coincidence it turned out to be one of Brian's (although he had someone filling in for him because he was at a different open house). We're having Brian start to take us to houses this week. I'm more excited about houses than the wedding. We also stopped at Home Depot to pick up paint chips to start thinking about decorating the house. It will depend on the specific house we buy, but right now we're thinking cranberry red kitchen, blue living room, taupe master bedroom, a light blue-green for the dining room, sage green for the guest room, and maybe pale yellow for the office. We also plan to get a second cat right when we move in so that both cats arrive at the new house at the same time and thus feel more like equals. More kitties = more fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it will be a colorful house, but it also sounds very inviting. And houses with colored walls seem more full and warm... Sounds like fun!