Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A couple slightly amusing stories:

On the shuttle bus from the rental car drop-off to the San Diego airport, the driver told everyone the following joke: A family of moles is sitting inside their burrow. The papa mole sticks his head above ground and says, "I smell pancakes!" Then the mama mole sticks her head above ground and says, "I smell bacon!" Then the baby mole, not being tall enough to reach above ground, stays in the burrow and says, "I smell molasses!"

After we boarded the plane, I was on one side of the aisle while Ryan was in the middle seat across the row. On the aisle seat next to Ryan was an 18ish year old blonde. Because he doesn't think about what things will sound like once they come out of his mouth, he says to her, "Excuse me, are you traveling alone?" She was sketched out and managed to say something like, "Uh, isn't that kind of a personal question?" I had to interrupt, "What he was trying to say is would you be willing to switch seats with me." She was obviously very relieved.

Ryan was so sleepy this morning that while in the shower he decided that he wanted to take a nap. So he leaned onto the towel rack and it snapped in half. I think that woke him up quickly.

House shopping this afternoon! Woot!

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