Monday, November 03, 2008

I'm so excited about the election tomorrow! Here is my prediction:
I'm least confident about my predictions for Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. After 2000 and 2004, I don't trust Florida and Ohio. North Carolina could go either way, but I decided to give it to Obama since the forecast there calls for rain, which I'm predicting will deter more lukewarm McCain supporters than enthusiastic Dems.

I talked to my mom on the phone last night. She's not a big McCain fan...but she really likes Palin! Sheesh.

Big news on the home front is that the cattens have fleas. I blame Blackie and the rest of the strays. We spent the weekend doing heavy-duty cleaning and combing the cattens. Today I treated the carpets to kill any remaining eggs. Should take care of it, but it's been so sad not snuggling up to my fur babies for a couple days!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Not bad on that prediction map!