Buffy has an eye infection- you can see her left eye (your right) is cloudy in this pic:
So she gets antibiotic eye drops for that. Both of them still sneeze occasionally, so they're also on a different antibiotic for the respiratory infections (they were on a different one earlier that didn't clear it up). These darn kittens are going to breed a new race of superbacteria that will wipe out the human race, I just know it. But I won't hold it against them, since they're so cute!
MacGyver is really feisty and likes to attack and bite anything that moves (as well as plenty of things that don't move, too):
Look at the toe pads below! Eeek! The cute!
Those are about the cutest pictures ever. :-)
Omg I was looking out some blogs and I found yours!
I love cats and I have tree!
Your cats are sooo cute!
Sorry, for the bad english I'm potuguese!
oh and hope that Buffy get better!
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