Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Plan:
Tuesday: work lunch at RL, have a low-key night at the apartment.
Wednesday: pack and clean during the day, work my last-ever shift waiting tables at night.
Thursday: pack and clean like a mofo, load most of the UHaul, meet RL coworkers for drinks in the evening.
Friday: last-minute cleaning and packing. Ryan's dad takes a train up and drives the UHaul down while Ryan and I drive our cars to PoTown (I get kitty in mine!). Get more furniture in both Cortland and PoTown. Spend night in PoTown.
Saturday: Drive from PoTown to C-Wood (Collingswood, NJ, our new town). Unload everything, return UHaul, start unpacking.
Sunday-Tuesday: unpack, settle in, learn to navigate new area.
Wednesday: Begin orientation at Penn!

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