Thursday, August 24, 2006

Tuesday and Wednesday proceeded according to plan. It was exceedingly busy at RL, so I earned a tidy wad of cash. That will be what I miss most about waiting tables- the instant gratification of cold, hard cash. I did get hit on by a sleazy drunk guy, which I will not miss but it was kind of funny:

Me: "Would anyone like some coffee or dessert?"
Guy: "No, too full, no dessert. Well. . . I would like some dessert, but no dessert."
Guy sitting next to drunk guy: *elbow's drunk guy's ribcage*

Sometime when I'm not exhausted, I'll leave a summary of life lessons learned from my RL experience. But for now I need to get some sleep before the barrage of cleaning and UHaul-loading tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Good luck with your move! Now that you're going to be near Philly, we have little excuse not to meet and catch up every now and then...