Monday, December 04, 2006

Ryan and I had a very nice weekend. Saturday we went to a tree farm to get a Christmas tree, decorated it, and baked cookies. Sunday we decorated those cookies and went shopping for gifts, including stuffers for Jibblies' stocking. Pics on Flickr. And Dan, if we can ever get ahold of you, we want to invite you over to decorate more cookies!

Last week of classes, and I found out today that my only final is a take-home! I dunno, I feel like my first semester of grad school was actually too easy. Maybe I'm not doing enough intellectual thinking on my own time, but I certainly had no problems keeping up and doing well in my classes. I guess I can blame it on my CU education, which was apparently too rich and sweet to spoil my dinner/grad education.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, tell your boyfriend he's a fool for letting his Cornell email address expire.

That being said, I can't join you guys in Collingswood this weekend, as I'll be in Boston. Maybe the following weekend?