Monday, April 02, 2007

This weekend I went to a mini conference at Rutgers on Saturday, then Sunday was pretty much a wash except that...

I forced Ryan to go with me to the animal shelter so we could look at kitties. And there was a sign on the wall that said something to the effect of "Buy one kitten, get the second half off." We're still waiting until we move, but after more discussion it seems very likely that we'll get two more :) Ryan and I will each choose one independently (provided they seem to get along at the shelter). I'm sure Ryan will choose an orange one, but I could be persuaded within a few colors based on personality. The two I liked best yesterday were a black one and a brown tabby. We'll see. I really wish I could fast-forward through the end of the semester and get right to the new house and kitties.

We also went to Home Depot again to pick up more paint chips after having spent lots of time in the house for the inspection. After much consideration, the chosen colors are:

living/dining: pale blue
kitchen: sage green
upstairs hallway: pale yellow
office: purple
guest room: stays white
master bedroom: tan/taupe

I guess we haven't thought about bathrooms at all. Maybe I can still get something blue-green in there after all!

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