Monday, August 13, 2007

Twas a fairly low-key weekend for me. We saw Bourne on Saturday, after rewatching the first two movies on Thursday and Friday nights. I love love loved the ending. Normally I don't like action movies much, but the Bourne series is great. He's so sneaky smart! Yesterday I painted the banister and did other miscellaneous chores while Ryan was at SCUBA class. His partner is a thin 20-something redhead. Hmph. I do chores while he frolics with his dream girl...not fair. Know what else isn't fair? At present, Ryan only weighs 5 pounds more than me. Boy is 6'1! Hmph. I need to start sneaking bacon grease into his food.

I've started selling my possessions on Craigslist for extra wedding money. My first sale- $90 for the dehumidifier that's just been sitting in the attic since we moved and don't need it anymore. Cha-ching! Next up: me and Ryan's old cell phones (got someone interested in mine for $20) and one old formal dress that is too big. No, I won't be rolling in the dough or anything, but I like tangible gains. Like the $90: boom, just paid for Ryan's ring. He's getting a titanium one- not only are they super cheap, they're durable and a "manly" metal. I've seen plain titanium ones for as cheap as $40, although he wants one with some contrasting-finish insets.

Yet another money-saving scheme- tonight we're going to get a BJ's membership (like Costco, but with pervier name). With only two of us we probably don't need the jumbo sizes of perishable things, but we can freeze some food and can also stock up on nonperishables. I'm one step closer to becoming my mom, hoarding a year's supply of food from Costco in the back room and two years' supply of toiletries in the spare bedroom!

I was in a normal okay mood this morning on my way out the door. I stopped to look at the plants on my way out and noticed lots of blossoms on our bell pepper plant. I went in for a closer look, wondering if we need another pepper plant so it could get pollinated. Then- WHOA! There are four almost full size peppers hiding under the leaves. They blended right in- sneaky! Then I was in a great mood, beaming with pride for my peppers. I think I might incorporate them into dinner this week.

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