Thursday, August 16, 2007

There will be no exponential increase in kittens at our house. Choco and Grem have been snipped. Choco recovered very quickly and was back to kneading us in the middle of the night. He weighs over 6 pounds now. Grem, who only weighs 4 lb 9 oz and had the more invasive operation, took it a little harder. She was quite sleepy and disoriented last night and was still not quite herself this morning. I expect she'll be fine by the time we get back from work, though. Poor Grem- they shaved her lower belly. All that fluffy white fur gone and replaced with a bald spot.

That reminds me of a funny conversation that happened about a year ago.
Ryan: "Come here, I think something's wrong with Jibblin. He's got these weird bumps on his stomach."
Cat: "Those would be nipples."
Ryan: "But there's more than two!"

Wedding planning has finally been moving forward. I have appointments with two photographers and one florist (Weggies!) this weekend. Ideally I'll have contracts for both by next week. I also bought supplies to make my own programs since I was in a crafty DIY mood the other day. Of course I won't be able to make them until way in the future when the ceremony plans, officiant, etc have been finalized. But shopping for craft supplies is fun (as I'm sure Liz would agree).

The next two weeks will be me putting together a manuscript for publication. Shouldn't be too painful since I'm just reworking my grant proposal. Getting some of my thesis research published this early will be a big step in the right direction. Then classes start in early September. They shouldn't be too stressful for the first month or so, but then I start my comprehensive exam (3 take-home big essays), which should leave me with very little free time. That's why I'm trying to get the big-ticket wedding planning taken care of soon.

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