Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The kittens are sad that you haven't voted for any of them. Just imagine that for some reason I had to get rid of one cat and you had to take it. Which one would you pick? Vote for that one.

Turns out that Sears got a Wii in the day after they called to cancel my order, so they called again to offer it to me. So we have it now, and Ryan likes playing with it. I will have a chance to play it more in the future now that my fellowship application is submitted and this week's homeworks have been graded.


Jen said...

Ya know, I just can't get into the Wii. My brother has one, and Wii sports is fun, but otherwise, I just need a regular controller. I'm too old-school for the Wii. Now the DS, on the other hand...that's been nice and addicting.

I voted for Choco because I couldn't pick and he had no love yet...but my vote didn't show up. I guess you might have to approve it or something?

Cat said...

We've spent all day playing the original NES Zelda, which we bought for Wii for $5 :) We're going to ask for more Wii games for Christmas, but we do have the sports.

Choco's vote is showing up now.