Tuesday, November 13, 2007

So Grem is the chosen kitty, eh? My favorite changes with every silly or cute thing they do every day, including:
Grem meowing while carrying a ball in her mouth around the house
Choco kneading me with his paws (provided I'm not trying to sleep)
Jib head-butting me or weaving through my legs

I'm sticking with the CVS dealings. We're getting Ryan's stepdad's Christmas present essentially for free with our extra bucks. I have plans to put together little gift packages of stuff for select wedding guests, or maybe as door prizes for the afterparty. Sooo...no more scoffing at my deals, lest ye not receive any goodies! I will try to get as much "fun" beauty-type stuff as I can, but we already have more toothpaste than we'll use in a year, with more on the way due to Black Friday deals. I can pass up cheap stuff, but I can't pass up stuff that they're essentially paying me to take!

I have been feeling a little better lately, but my dosages change tomorrow so I'll probably feel like crap for at least a few days. It's surprising how many physical effects there are (mental effects are to be expected). I've learned that "flu-like symptoms" means feeling like I've been run over by a bus.

My car is at the shop right now. I finally took it in to get the work that the mechanic suggested over the summer. He did say that it wasn't urgent, and I don't put many miles on the car during the school year. We are going to use it next week for Thanksgiving, though. So I wonder how much these repairs will cost...my guess is somewhere $750ish. Pleh.

1 comment:

Jen said...

My car needs a $650 tune-up now, and my mom (who had been paying for ALL car expenses including mechanics, insurance, and gas) has mysteriously decided not to come up with the cash for it. Guess I'll have to put it off until I'm actually getting paid...