Thursday, May 22, 2008

D'oh! Jib caught another bird again today. I hope he isn't getting really good at it; I feel bad for the birds. He did the exact same thing with the bird- brought it to the same spot in the living room and rolled around on his back viciously shaking it around in his mouth. I wonder what it is about that specific spot in the living room.

I have a cold, so I'm taking off from subbing today. It's just a little head cold, so hopefully it will be over in a couple days. Better now than a week from now.

Busy taking care of the little wedding details. There's a lot of them. I picked up my dress yesterday. Today I mailed the cake topper to the bakery (didn't feel like driving over to PA). I'm very interested to see how the cake turns out. The top will be whimsical, so make sure you get a good look. And also to pique your interest, you may place bets on what song our first dance will be. Here's a hint: it was performed on American Idol this season (although we had it picked out long before). Speaking of AI, my favorite won last night- yay!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm no good at guessing games, so I won't bother (plus I didn't watch most of Idol this year). But David yay for David Cook! It was nice to hear him get an apology from Simon. He was my favorite of the top 2, though not my favorite overall (I liked Syesha).

Ariel told me she's helping you out with your marriage license today...hope that all goes well! I'm glad that worked out.