Monday, May 19, 2008

Saturday, Jib caught his first bird! Ryan and I were sitting in the living room while the cattens were outside with the back door open. All of a sudden, Ryan cries, "Jib, NO!" I look over, and Jib is furiously shaking his head with a mouthful of feathers. It was, uh, normal bird size (some biologist, eh? about 4-5" long) and already dead. Ryan was my knight in shining armor and wrangled away the bird with a plastic bag.

Yesterday was our one year housieversary! Only 14 years left until full ownership.

Today I sub for "culinary arts." That should be fun. I'm going to force them all to make me baked goods, but no cheesecakes, or you get an automatic F.

12 freakin' days until the wedding, and 9 until the out-of-town guests arrive. Holy mother of hell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - has it already been a year? Time flies - congratulations! Oh yeah, and not to mention that the wedding is, like, well, SOON. :-O