Monday, June 29, 2009

For those of you that don't follow my grocery challenge blog, it's worth mentioning that the mid-year bottom line is $705.13. That puts me on track to come in well under the yearly limit of $1600, although that excess may be spent on lobster dinners when Ryan comes to visit in August.

Supposedly Ryan stopped at the store the other night and as he was getting out of his car someone said, "Whoa, I really like your car; it's like a mini-Batmobile!"

I'm getting more excited about the idea of getting chickens at our next house. Chickens are magical animals that eat bugs and turn it into fertilizer. Here's a link to the breed I'm interested in. I would want a similar coop setup, maybe a little smaller with only 3 birds.

Oh, and I thought of a few more things I want to grow: grapefruit, avocados, kiwis, walnuts, apricots, and blackberries. Grapefruit and avocados would have to be inside the greenhouse.

The weather here in Maine sucks big time. Today was nonstop rain/fog. Everyone is constantly talking about how unusually wet this year is :( Hopefully July will be better.

1 comment:

tes said...

Yeah, here in Munich we've been getting these bizarre monsoons and when it's not monsoons, it's muggy and sticky. :P

As for the chickens... those ones seem fairly tolerable - even cute!

Gonna go for geese to eat the slugs, too? Or is that covered with the chickens? I think geese are kind of buttheads...