Sunday, July 05, 2009

So, as you might know, I tend to get FIXATED on things. OBSESSED, you might say. In May I was totally enthralled with American Idol (yeah, yeah, I know). In June I got sucked into Lost and watched all 5 seasons online. But now I'm at the end and have to wait until 2010 for the last season to come out. My July obsession has turned out to be...

Our next house.

I seriously cannot stop thinking about it and planning the garden/grounds. Let's see, I thought of even more stuff I'd like to grow: an olive tree (indoor/greenhouse), mushrooms (in the basement using a kit), and Christmas greenery/trees (which I sort of am now, but they're small and in pots).

Now a greenhouse like this would be nice (and affordable, about $800):

But why settle for a "nice" greenhouse when such a MAGNIFICENT CONSERVATORY exists? Drool...
Couldn't find a price, but I'm guessing $10-25K range. At least it would add significant value to the house since it's additional living space.

I also decided that I want to raise turkeys (and potentially chickens later on, depending on the turkey success) for meat. I think I could handle "processing" them, and it would make our homegrown meals all the more home grown. Turkeys are way more meat per slaughter, which sounds appealing to me, since I'm sure hell would freeze over before Ryan would help me out with the killing and plucking and whatnot. Plus turkey is Jib's favorite meat. Ryan says, "Uh, let's just start with the egg-laying chickens and see how it goes."
"Gobble, gobble."

With all the agriculture and poultry and whatnot, it seems like my Mazda is not going to cut it as the cargo-carrying vehicle. We may need *gasp* a truck. Maybe a small used pickup. Nothing fancy or expensive, just something to haul big stuff in.

I draw the line at a tractor. Maybe a riding lawnmower with a cart behind it, but no tractors! I do not think tractors are sexy.

So, who's up for Thanksgiving dinner 2015 or so? Homegrown turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, carrots, corn, apple pie, and pumpkin pie. The cranberry sauce will have to be store-bought...I don't think a cranberry bog would be too practical for the number of cranberries we eat.

1 comment:

tes said...

Is Choco hiding from the future turkeys?? ;-))