Today is Nibblin's birthday! He's 2 years old. We got him a new cat teaser and tub of catnip. Pretty soon he'll be getting some friends, too! We've been visiting the animal shelter and have our eye on these two, if they're still available in three weeks:
Cute, eh?! They're not related, but they need to be adopted together because they've become such good friends. The one on the left is Walker, a 2 year old male, and when we saw him he was very playful. He and Jibblin can get into all sorts of trouble together. The one on the right is Isabelle, an 8 month old female. She was sleepy when we visited but they tell us she's very cuddly. We'd rename them- if Walker really is as mischievous as he seems, he'd be Gremlin. If Isabelle is as cuddly as they say, maybe a name like Cuddles.
Cute kitties!
Idol has been fairly craptastic this year. Some of my favorites (Hayley, Gina) got voted off really early, and Sanjaya stayed on far too long. I know he's comic relief, but it was getting ridiculous! The girls are way better than the guys. I think Melinda is the best singer, but she doesn't have the looks, so Jordan will probably take the prize. But Melinda will definitely get a record deal.
I'm heading home today...I'll call in a couple of days to figure out how exactly to meet up with you. Should be fun!
"Just because other people do it, that doesn't mean it's right..." ;-) (re: idol)
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