The H0ffman-Dickers0n household got a tiny bit bigger last night.
Tiny times two!
Introducing Choco:
And Gremlin:
A couple less blurry pics:
Ordinarily we'd have adopted adults from the shelter, since kittens at shelters usually have no trouble finding homes. But, I got a mass email from someone at school last night saying that there were cute stray kittens under their porch that needed homes. The rest is history! I'm not 100% sure what their sexes are, but they look different, so I think there's one of each. Probably Gremlin is a she and Choco is a he, but I could be wrong. Choco is short for Chocolate. S/he's a severe cutie with a striped little belly. Gremlin has a weird gray-orange mottled coat with white paws and a white belly. S/he's the "ugly" one but has the more outgoing personality.
They've done some cute pouncing on each other, but for the most part have just been eating and getting settled in. We're keeping them separate from Jibblies for now... when we first brought the cat carrier with them inside, Jibblies peeked in the front and Gremlin got so scared that s/he vomited! And then Choco ate it! That's some combo of gross and cute, which equals funny.
I'm estimating that they're about a month old, but then again I could be wrong. They're going to the vet in a couple days for shots and an exam. Then I'll have a better estimate of the age and a definitive answer on the sexes.
1 comment:
VERY Cute!! Congratulations! :)
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