We took Jib to Petsmart on his leash last night. It was a laugh riot. Fortunately there was only one dog in at the time, which we managed to avoid. We nearly died laughing when Jib repeatedly tried pouncing and climbing around the bird cages. He seemed to like the rats and hamsters too. I think he also recognized, "Wait a minute, it's an entire wall made out of wet food!"
Then we dropped him off back at home and went to CVS to earn $10 bucks and get free snacks. We're so clever. Sure, call me cheap if you like, but with Ryan's salary and my inclination to save/make money, we're going to millionaires in no time :)
Since all y'alls are probably more interested in certain types of CVS freebies over others (bar soap? um, yeah, thanks...), I'm going to look into charities where they could get the toothpaste, soap, etc to people who really need it. So there. You can stop making fun of me now.
You'll noticed I changed around the toolbar >>>>>>>>>>
It now includes "Cat's deal of the month," which you can use to kick-start your road to millionaire status as well.
We got a Christmas tree yesterday, but not "the Christmas tree." Grumblecakes- I just tried to upload a picture, but we're having USB issues. Anyway, I really wanted a medium-sized potted live tree, but Ryan thought it was a bad idea and would be too much of a hassle to move in and out of the house each year. True, it would be really heavy, but with the appropriate simple machines we could do it. Alas, he would not give in. Sooo, I got a $28 potted dwarf spruce that's about 2 feet tall. It's so cute, like a Grem-sized tree! We're using it as an outdoor decoration this year and probably next year, then it will be big enough to be our main indoor tree (while still potted). Maybe we can get 2 or 3 years out of it until it's too big to move in and out, at which time we'll plant it in the backyard (since it's a dwarf it will only get 6 feet tall). For this year Ryan gets his way and we'll also get a normal cut tree. At least one of us wants to reduce her carbon footprint.