Friday, December 14, 2007

I must give a preliminary woot! I *think* I sold the Neon. That is, a family came and looked at it to buy for their teenage daughter, she loved it, and they gave me a $100 check as a deposit. They're going to the bank in the morning and getting me $4900 cash. I would've preferred to get $5300ish, but as long as they show up with cash in hand tomorrow, it's zoom zoom to the Mazda dealership for me!

The family's dad is a Dodge mechanic, which should come in handy! But the extra funny part is that I had a mystery shop this morning where I got a free oil change at the his dealership! The dad had planned to check out the engine, but when I mentioned I'd been at his dealership this morning, he was like, "oh, I think it was Tom that worked on it! I don't need to look under the hood then, because I know he would've taken a good look at it." So even though I'm just selling the car tomorrow, it was still sort of worth getting the oil change :)

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