Saturday, December 15, 2007

Let the wooting commence!

Woot, woot, woot!

We bought the Mazda already. Needless to say, we also finalized the Neon sale. We got a pretty good deal on the Mazda, I think. We negotiated quite a bit, then after the price was set and they started running our credit check, the manager came over and said to Ryan, "You work at L0ckheed Mart1n? Mazda has a partnership with them, so you get an extra $300 off." :) I'm glad they didn't learn that until after we'd "set" a price, or else they probably wouldn't have gone as low overall.

We pick it up on Tuesday. It's black (yay!) but has a beige interior (boo). But I was willing to take it because since it was a test drive car, they (at least said they) were willing to negotiate lower. So we got the moonroof and 6 CD for "free"ish, making it worth settling for the beige interior. It's a manual, and the clutch was more forgiving than Ryan's, but still fun to drive. The guy was like, "That's odd. Usually women want an automatic." And of course the car handles somewhere in between the Neon and the RX-8, but closer to the RX-8 end of the spectrum :)

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