Friday, January 05, 2007

Lunch: peanut butter off a spoon; Bailey's on the rocks. Maybe I'll add some carrots to up the nutritional value. . .

My cold finally disappeared yesterday. I went for a walk but have otherwise just been bumming around the apartment watching TV and surfing l'internet. Ryan and I will probably take a day trip to Baltimore tomorrow, hang out near home on Sunday, then it's back to school on Monday.

Redheads have more fun. 2007 is a little spicier than 2006 ;D

Kitten is behaving a lot more like a grouchy old cat than a cute little kitten these days. He's less shy about getting bitey. Guess it's time to get another, younger cat. I told Ryan that I either want a kitten or one of these for my birthday, but it's probably not a good idea to hold my breath!

When I worked at RL, "New York" from VH1's Flavor (Flava?) of Love ate in my restaurant (though not at one of my tables). She's apparently from Syracuse (not NYC). The commercials for her new series "I Love New York" are revolting, but should give you a feel for some of the entitled personalities our restaurant got as customers!

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