Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sigh. I'd much rather hang out at home than be back at school. I haven't been working very hard this week, though, so I shouldn't complain. My classes seem to be similar difficulty as last semester's (straight A's, my favorite), and I'm really into my TA assignment (sitting through animal behavior lectures again is infinitely better than sitting through intro bio lectures again). But I'd still rather be snuggling with a kitten right now.

Ryan's annual ski trip is Saturday-Wednesday, so I hope there's lots of shows on TV that he generally doesn't enjoy watching with me, like "What Not to Wear."

The weather has been all over the place. On Saturday, when we went to Baltimore, which is admittedly a little south of here, there was a high of 70 degrees. We were comfortable walking around in short sleeves. Today I saw a few snowflakes, but we still haven't had any real snow. I like the mild winters on a day-to-day basis, but it would be nice to have a couple real snowfalls. Just a few, so that it's novel enough to bother going out for a snowball fight or to make a snowman.

The Baltimore waterfront area was very nice. We had lunch, watched a band perform outdoors, and went to the national aquarium. The aquarium was okay, but I think the Jersey one in Camden (15 minute drive from our apartment) is just as good. There were also ridiculous numbers of screaming children, which everyone knows is not my favorite thing.

Back to the schoolwork...

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