Monday, March 31, 2008

It's been one week of dieting and I'm down 2 pounds. So with exactly 2 months (eek!) to go, I have 8-13 pounds to go. Piece of cake. Wait, no cake until the wedding. Of course, I'd prefer to have most of it gone a couple weeks in advance of the wedding so that I can be sure my dress will fit without alterations. I was thinking about buying a decent digital scale instead of the beat-up analog one I have now, since it's hard to distinguish small increments. It would be more motivating to know that I lost 2.4 pounds, if that was indeed the case (flip side, could have also lost 1.6 pounds). "But why not put it on the registry?" I thought. So it's there, and hopefully it will be gifted in haste so I can get my much needed pre-wedding use out of it (wink wink).

I stuck perfectly to my calorie plan, but actually didn't do any walks or strength training. I did, however, work in the yard/garden 2-5 hours every day except one. That one day I had a root canal (eek!). My teeth seriously suck...bad genes, and I brush of course, but am not good at flossing regularly. I also have to go back for the crown and 4 (eek!) additional fillings. This is my first round of dentistry since I was in Syracuse, which I know I shouldn't have put off so long. But I digress. These are the outdoor things I was able to cross off my to-do list last week:

Plant broccoli, cauliflower, raspberries, hazelnut tree, some strawberries
Hang netting over raised bed arches
Spray paint arches dark green so they're not as conspicuous as white PVC pipe
Further chop up and move around tree debris (almost all taken care of!)
Move more of my dirt pile to various beds
Install edging along beds in front and side of house
Water plants every other day
Chase/round up naughty kittens when it is time to go inside (4-5x daily)

There's a stray cat that lives in the brush behind a house down the street. Jib has encountered him many times and they usually have a stand-off, sitting 15 feet apart while the stray moans/growls. But lately it has escalated so that Jib is growling back, and Jib has started chasing the stray off. Jib is very good at jumping over fences/on top of sheds/etc now. On one hand I'm glad he seems to be higher ranking than the stray so he won't get horribly beat up, but I hope there are no actual fights. I really like having the cats keep me company in the garden (the little ones are good and don't go past our immediate neighbors), but unless we build 6 foot fences there's no keeping Jib in. About half the time when he's roaming, though, if I call for him he comes running, leaping and bounding over fences to come to me. It's soooooo cute and makes me feel loved :)


Jen said...

Catfight! Rawr! look too awesome as it stands to be talking about weight loss. But digital scales are nice. I like the ones with built-in body fat analyzers so you can make sure you're not losing muscle. Which reminds me, gotta go to the gym...

Anonymous said...

Hey Cat, I've been studying what the minister actually does in the wedding and I just want to know what you'd like me to wear... a suit? a dress? I'm scouting the web for priest collars :) And what would you like me to say... the the regular "dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join in holy matrimony..." or read a poem... etc. Let me know.

Rev Dr. Lin